COVID-19 Update for Spring Term 2022
Covid-19 update for Spring Term 2022
Dear Parent / Carer, We are becoming a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School! Cockwood School aims to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential. As part of this plan we are working…
Well done to our two Year 6 students who were nominated as Head Boy and Girl for this academic year. They have already undertaken some activities linked around fair trade and will shortly be leading some initiatives focusing on behaviour. They are a super addition to our School Council and have done a wonderful job so far.
Checkout our latest newsletter for information on this terms events. Details of clubs, secondary transfer, PFA events and fundraising. Keep up to date with events at Cockwood. Newsletter 25.10.12
Class 1 were extremely lucky to meet some very unexpected people on their recent trip to the SS Great Britain…. Dick and Dom from CBBC were on board filming a new television series! As you can imagine it created much excitement. The boys were very obliging and came and talked to the children.
As part of our topic this term on Victorians the children have been finding out about Ismabard Kingdon Brunel. The children had a fantastic day dressing up as Victorians and role-playing the launch of the ship. All the children were given roles including Lords, Ladies, Engineers and Navvies.
Class 1 have been making parachutes, their brief was to make a parachute that would take the longest time to reach the ground. The children worked in small groups to plan their design and think about the factors that would affect its performance. We then tested each parachute three times and timed the flights.
SUMMER STAFF AND YEAR 6 PRODUCTION The Wizard of Oz At the end of a very busy term everyone at Cockwood School was very sad to say goodbye to our year 6 children. We ended their time at the school in true Cockwood fashion with a superb concert involving the staff and all of year…
Cockwood Majorettes had their end of year performance in the village hall. The troupe led by Miss Elston wowed everyone once again with their routines. The troupe meet every Friday morning before school and the quality of their dancing is amazing. This year the girls performed to Lady Gaga and Coldplay, as well as…
Following Cockwood School tradition our year 6 children have delighted/upset parents and staff with their final leaving assembly. The children wrote their own script based on a camping trip and toasting marshmallows around a camp fire. They all recollected special memories they have had during their time as a pupil at Cockwood School.